Entusiasmo en los primeros comentarios de 'Capitán América: El soldado de invierno'

Marvel Studios gets Captain America better than any of their other heroes. THE WINTER SOLDIER is terrific.
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) marzo 11, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier had me at the edge of my seat! Great action film, @Marvel does it again! #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Deanna, mommyGAGA (@Mommy_Gaga) marzo 11, 2014
Just finished watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier. What an awesome action packed movie! #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Mommy Enterprises (@mommye) marzo 11, 2014
Captain America: the winter soldier just blew up my mind!!!! #ChrisEvans #ScarlettJohansson #awesomeness
— Winter Wonderland (@_Winter_wind) marzo 11, 2014
No joke! @CaptainAmerica the winter soldier is one of the best action movies I have ever seen!!! Everrr!! #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Vanessa -QueenofSwag (@queenofswag4u) marzo 11, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is absolutely incredible. Best action in a Marvel solo movie and perhaps the best of them all - around.
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) marzo 11, 2014
@SweetiesFree it was debatably the best #Marvel film yet. My jaw hurts from clenching my teeth. Action packed! #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Trippin With Tara (@tasalinas) marzo 11, 2014
Wow. Captain America: TWS is great. One of the best action films I've seen in ages, maybe ever. You want to see this. #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Matt Blum (@cerebus19) marzo 11, 2014
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ is Marvel’s best movie to date. You thought the trailers were great? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
— PJ Campbell (@pj_campbell) marzo 11, 2014
Oh, wow is CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER a perfect film. Wow wow wow.
— Silas Lesnick (@silaslesnick) marzo 11, 2014
Really liked Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Proves Joss isn't only 1 in Marvel's arsenal who can craft a compelling/fresh female char
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) marzo 11, 2014
CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER is just phenomenal, in so many ways. Believe the hype, and prepare for so much more!
— Brian Gallagher (@GallagherMW) marzo 11, 2014
Super surprised and impressed with @AnthonyMackie as a the Falcon. He totally rocked it! #CaptainAmericaEvent
— Andrew (@Mommys_Busy) marzo 11, 2014
CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER: Phase 2 is 3/3 for me. Anthony Mackie has finally found that breakthrough role.
— Damon Houx (@houx) marzo 11, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is awesome. A tad too long, a tad too plotty, but its action & MCU impact will blow your damn mind.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) marzo 11, 2014
I saw Captain America 2 last week and I really enjoyed watching it, but when I try to explain the plot out loud I sound like a crazy person.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) marzo 11, 2014
En serio???
Yo lo de ver películas -por mi cuenta- en V.O. es relativamente nuevo, no más de 6 meses que empece a ver algo. Y lo que he visto y veo en V.O. es en casita. Como norma general, no tengo ningún problema para el doblaje, en muchos casos y generos sigo prefiriendo ver la versión con doblaje (contando que sea un buen doblaje, claro). Esta de Marvel sin ir más lejos.
YO en cambio pienso que la VO siempre está mejor. Sea el doblaje que sea. Al cambiar de un idioma al otro, siempre se pierde algo. Algunos chistes que sólo funcionan en un idioma, segundos sentidos que se pierden etc.
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