Primeras reacciones al estreno de 'Liga de la Justicia'

A tan solo una semana del estreno de la esperada película de Warner Bros. Pictures y DC Entertainment, 'Liga de la Justicia', llegan las primeras reacciones sobre el equipo de superhéroes de DC. ¿Tendrá Superman el trato que se merece?, ¿Qué tal está Ben Affleck nuevamente como Batman?, ¿Es Flash un personaje realmente destacado?, ¿Están bien invertidos los 300 millones de su presupuesto? Todas estas cuestiones y muchas más son las que la gente ha intentado resolver con sus tweets.
En los tweets (disponibles en inglés) se pueden leer comentarios como: "Se podrían cambiar muchas cosas, ¡pero lo pasé de maravilla!", "Su CG es débil, pero tiene corazón y las vibraciones son positivas", "Es divertida, pero hay un problema con el villano", "Está bien, es más coherente que Batman v Superman", "Un paseo divertido con buenos personajes, pero falla en su narrativa", "No es ningún recauchutado. Los fans deberían estar contentos", "Narrativamente es un desastre y el villano no es gran cosa. Sin embargo, los héroes son geniales", "La interacción entre el equipo es muy divertida. El universo DC coge una dirección esperanzadora", "Un entretenimiento sólido a pesar de que cuenta con algunos problemas" o "Muy divertida, incluso de maneras inesperadas".
Dirigida por Zack Snyder, en el casting de 'La Liga de la Justicia' encontramos a Henry Cavill como Superman, Ben Affleck como Batman, Amy Adams como Lois Lane, Gal Gadot como Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller como The Flash, Jason Momoa como Aquaman, Ray Fisher como Cyborg, J.K. Simmons como el comisario Gordon, Willem Dafoe como Nuidis Vulko, Jeremy Irons como Alfred Pennyworth, Jesse Eisenberg como Lex Luthor, Diane Lane como Martha Kent y Connie Nielsen como Queen Hippolyta.
Respecto a la historia, impulsado por su restaurada fe en la humanidad e inspirado por el acto desinteresado de Superman, Bruce Wayne pide ayuda a su nueva aliada, Diana Prince, para hacer frente a un enemigo todavía mayor. Juntos, Batman y Wonder Woman trabajan con rapidez para encontrar y reclutar un equipo de metahumanos que luchen contra esta nueva amenaza. Pero a pesar de la formación de esta liga de héroes sin precedentes (Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg y Flash), puede que sea demasiado tarde para salvar al planeta de un asalto de proporciones catastróficas.
Chris Terrio y Joss Whedon han escrito esta película a partir de una historia de Snyder y Terrio. Recordemos que Whedon se hizo cargo de la fotografía adicional del film y supervisó la finalización de su post-producción después de que una tragedia familiar obligara a Snyder a abandonar la producción. El estreno el 17 de noviembre de 2017.
I saw #JusticeLeague! Here’s what I thought. There are ton of things I’d change but it comes down to this: I had a blast! I got to see the team together and I had fun watching it. Ezra Miller steals the movie and #WonderWoman was perfect!
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Here it goes … #JusticeLeague is super thin and has some very weak CG but it’s got heart and a positive vibe that works. Overall, I had a pretty good time and am looking forward to seeing more of these characters.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 10 de noviembre de 2017
SO I saw #JusticeLeague -twice. Still under embargo, but: This is a fun superhero flick. Funny but still hero adventure. Reminds me of JL Unlimited ep. Likable interaction amongst recognizable heroes. There is a villain problem (no worse than Marvel's) - @aaronsagers
— Aaron Sagers (@aaronsagers) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is fine. It's more coherent & less idiosyncratic than Batman v Superman (which I loved, so make of that what you will), and tries very hard to lighten up on the gloom & doom of the DC universe. There are jokes and everything!
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is a fun, bumpy ride that succeeds in character, but fails in narrative. It’s a mixed bag of execution that’s saved by the actors, who rise above the shortcomings to deliver an engaging, funny and hopeful, yet flawed, entry to the DCEU. @joblocom
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) 10 de noviembre de 2017
I think if you are going to a #JusticeLeague movie to see all your favorite DC heroes rocking their skills & being the badasses you love, then you will get plenty of that. Lots of action. Lots of superheroes being superheroes.
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Here are some of my thoughts on #JusticeLeague
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is not a retread to the pre-WONDER WOMAN DCEU. It takes zero chances and is safe. Die-hards should be happy.
— Cinema Snopes (@CinemaSnopes) 10 de noviembre de 2017
JUSTICE LEAGUE! It's okay. Narratively it's a mess, the stakes don't work & the villain isn't great. HOWEVER, the heroes ARE great, it's funny, & there's some surprisingly effective character work. I didn't love it, but there are enough good pieces to excite me for the future.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Justice League is better than expected, but not a home run. The interaction between the team is a lot of fun. The film sends the DCEU in a hopeful direction in line with where the brand should be headed. Flash and Aquaman steal the show. Cyborg and villain are the weak links.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is solid entertainment despite some problems. They pulled off a strange alchemy that works better than it should. The story is lacking, but the League is great and it’s a blast to watch them in action together. Wonder Woman is clutch, obvi.
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) 10 de noviembre de 2017
The bad: #JusticeLeague rushes through a lot and its main story/lore and villain are rather stripped down and forgettable.
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Nothing could save JUSTICE LEAGUE from its loud, ugly, tacky self. Not Wonder Woman, not wide-eyed Ezra Miller, not Joss Whedon's quippy teardown & rebuild. And Henry Cavill's mustache is an actual issue; they gave him Uncanny Valley Face. Oof, guys. It's a rough ride
— Josh L. Dickey (@JLDlite) 10 de noviembre de 2017
I am genuinely happy to report #JusticeLeague is a lot of fun. It's not perfect and has its problems, but does the job of making you care about these characters as a team by its end. It's also VERY funny, in lots of unexpected ways.
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Advocates 4 #WonderWoman here & friend had 2 tix for #justiceleague 2 days ago. Not better than WW, much better than BvS. Girl power! #Feminism New DC formula? Strong Diana. Strong Lois. Mera cool. #Aquaman swoon! Funny, not silly. Good movie. 8 out of 10. #justiceleague review.
— Scandalouswomen (@scandalouswomen) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Weirdly enough, #JusticeLeague actually feels more like one of the animated DC films from recent years than any live-action DC film that we have seen thus far. How you take that will depend on your opinion of DC Animation.
— Conner Schwerdtfeger (@ConnerWS) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is clunky & uneven as hell, but it also gets the characters right and has a lot of fun along the way. When it’s over DC’s vision for these heroes going forward will make sense.
— Conner Schwerdtfeger (@ConnerWS) 10 de noviembre de 2017
It’s a very small but very vital step forward. I dug it.
SO I saw #JusticeLeague -twice. Still under embargo, but: This is a fun superhero flick. Funny but still hero adventure. Reminds me of JL Unlimited ep. Likable interaction amongst recognizable heroes. There is a villain problem (no worse than Marvel's) - @aaronsagers
— SYFY WIRE (@SyfyWire) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague was good & very fun. It’s going to be popular w/audiences, not only fans but mainstream viewers & families.
— Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) 10 de noviembre de 2017
People that have complained about DC movies being too dark are about to see the light #JusticeLeague
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 10 de noviembre de 2017
I have a lot to say about ‘Justice League’ but will wait till it’s released to really get into it. But two important things to know: stay till the very end of the credits and Jason Momoa (@PrideofGypsies) is awesome as Aquaman.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Bottom line: JUSTICE LEAGUE is awesome!
— Kevin McCarthy (@KevinMcCarthyTV) 10 de noviembre de 2017
ZACK SNYDER’s film is filled with so many moments that had me geeking out and crying nerd tears. When an action scene/hero moment hits, the film is firing on all cylinders.
Still love Affleck’s BATMAN. My fav Batman actor since Keaton.
Justice League is not a perfect movie. It has story "flaws" and a simple, CGI villain.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 10 de noviembre de 2017
BUT, more importantly, it gets the heroes right. Every member of the League is fantastic and it's tough to choose a favorite.
It's a ton a fun, start to finish.