The Punisher (Netflix)

Iniciado por Wanchope, 17 de Enero de 2016, 10:36:58 AM

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Fantastico, si siguen en el estilo de las dos anteriores y las dos que estrenan este año seguro que no defraudara,la alianza marvel-netflix nos esta dejando un muy buen sabor de boca y una fidelidad de los personajes que en el cine no suele verse tanto.


CitarIt's official: The Punisher is getting his own TV series.

EW has learned that Marvel has ordered a spin-off starring vigilante character introduced in Daredevil season 2.

Jon Bernthal will reprise his role as vengeful military veteran Frank Castle, who brings his own lethal form of justice to Hell's Kitchen.

Writer and executive producer Steve Lightfoot (Hanniba, Casualty) will serve as showrunner.

Marvel's The Punisher marks the sixth series ordered (so far) as part of the collaboration between Netflix and Marvel Television, including the upcoming Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and the ensemble miniseries The Defenders – along with Jessica Jones and the aforementioned Daredevil. (And in case you're wondering, as we are, whether Bernthal's character will also be added to The Defenders lineup, that's not yet clear – though it seems likely he'll at least pop in for an appearance.)

Word that Netflix was working on a potential Punisher spin-off was first reported by TV Line last summer. Netflix and Marvel are expected to publicly announce the project later Friday.

"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"

John Matrix

Todavía ni he empezado con Daredevil y ya estoy dando brincos  :tititi :tititi
"It's very gratifying to watch a man you don't like try to pull his own balls out of his throat"



              A hero need not to speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him.




A Jon Bernthal le viene que ni pintado el papel.


Lo hablábamos en el hilo de Daredevil. 'The Punisher' encarnado por  Jon Bernthal, seguramente sea el personaje más molón y que merezca un spin-off propio de todos los que están saliendo y/o son posibles de las series ya emitidas. Pero a la vez, sale tanto en la T2 de la mencionada (casi lo mismo que el prota) y ya abarcan tanto su historia que ¿hace falta? ¿tienen algo realmente relevante por contar? Pero bueno, supongo que como todos tendrá muchos comics, muchas historias, enemigos que explotar y Netflix se ha ganado que se confíe en ellos.


Cita de: MrLuellin en 30 de Abril de 2016, 03:23:11 PM
A Jon Bernthal le viene que ni pintado el papel.

Esta noticia la he estado esperando con ganas!




"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


Yo diría que lo es, no suelen empezar la promoción hasta que no tienen fecha de estreno, me parece.


Como sea ya lo tengo como protector de pantalla  :tititi