[Cortometraje] 'DC Universe Online Cinematic Trailer', de Tim Miller

Iniciado por Wanchope, 20 de Febrero de 2016, 11:33:19 AM

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Dirigido por el ahora realizador de 'Deadpool', Tim Miller, a través de su compañía de efectos especiales, Blur Studios: "The executive at Fox who'd been working on X-Men: First Class with Matthew Vaughn had seen a piece I'd done for a DC Universe project, which had a lot of superhero action... He came down and we met, and by the end of that meeting he said, 'You know, I think you should really be directing your own film. You're a first-timer so I can't get you on anything big, but we have this other movie... Deadpool. Are you interested?' I'd read the script already and I thought it was great, so I jumped at the chance".