'The Imitation Game (Descifrando Enigma)' - Nuevo cartel en español

Iniciado por Wanchope, 05 de Diciembre de 2012, 10:17:03 AM

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"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


Fecha de estreno en Estados Unidos: 21 de noviembre de 2014.


Sherlock Holmes is a human trying to be a God. The Doctor is a God trying to be human.



Vamos, que Weinstein está muy interesado en meterla en los oscars

"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


Al parecer Weinstein ha enseñado un clip en Cannes
CitarThe Imitation Game
Weinstein recently acquired this WWII-era biopic in a significant deal, likely positioning its star Benedict Cumberbatch for a major awards play as Alan Turing, the famed code-cracker who helped the Allies win the war but was then persecuted by his own government for being gay. There's no trailer cut for this holiday release yet, but Weinstein showed a truncated sequence where Cumberbatch has a code-related intellectual breakthrough as Keira Knightley and Matthew Goode look on breathlessly. As a script, it was revered — Leonardo DiCaprio was attached to star as Turing at one point — so this is one to keep an eye on.

"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"



"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


y otra:

"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


Actualizadas con una versión mejor de ambas imágenes.  :guiñar


"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


Por lo visto anoche hubo screening, ¿significa esto que no tardará mucho en salir el tráiler?

"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"



"The reader lives thousands of lives before he dies, the one who never reads only one"


No sé si se sabía y/o estaba ya dicho, pero por si acaso: TriPictures la distribuirá en España.


Cita de: Wanchope en 24 de Junio de 2014, 06:20:00 PM
No sé si se sabía y/o estaba ya dicho, pero por si acaso: TriPictures la distribuirá en España.

Que yo sepa la exclusiva es tuya  :poss.